Show business is now your business.™

CineBlock Films™ is part of the CineBlock® App Suite, designed to democratize the entertainment media industry by allowing anyone to legally fund, invest, or profit from media projects.


Making movies, films, series, and other forms of entertainment media is difficult. It is an endeavor that naturally requires a community of doers to successfully deliver a final product. To deliver that product requires many moving parts along the way. From idea to design, from cast to crew, from pre to post, and from financing to distribution, every step along the way involves people. And those people form a community. It’s the community that makes the magic of film and media come to life. Within each project, you can become an active, meaningful contributor of that community.
We love films, we crave entertainment, we value tech, and we believe in community. We think the time is right for these components to enhance the entertainment media industry plus rebuild the filmmaking and film-viewing experience for everyone!


The CineBlock Films™ vision is to produce a place where anyone anywhere has the ability to fund, invest in, or create inspiring, filmed content for the world to enjoy!


A group of college friends turned professionals, hailing from diverse backgrounds in film, tech, finance, and entertainment, came together one day to change the way the industry does business.
Rather than taking a top down approach, we decided to disrupt the industry altogether. Through our collective experiences and our mutual love of tech and entertainment, we rumbled down the proverbial rabbit hole of blockchain, web3, and tokenization.
This led us to produce a film-tech software company focused on creating simple, useful, and productive apps that would reduce Hollywood barriers to entry for ambitious filmmakers, their audiences, and fans.
The goal is to allow everyone the opportunity to become an active participant in creating the magic on the screen and provide the potential for those contributors to be rewarded financially from any successes generated by their efforts.

Risk of digital securities

CineBlock Films issues investment commitment tokens in digital wallets of investors through the Ethereum blockchain. At the end of a successful offering, the issuer replaces or converts investment commitment tokens into digital securities.

Investors are responsible for maintaining security and confidentiality of their digital wallet password, secret phrase and private key (“Credentials”). Investors must protect their Credentials from cybertheft. Investors must not share their Credentials with any other person. Neither CineBlock Films nor any other party has access to an investor’s Credentials. In the event of loss of Credentials, the investor will lose all assets in their digital wallet. Excluding the replacement of investment commitment tokens during the subscription period upon payment of a replacement fee of $50 , CineBlock Films will not be liable for any loss, damage or injury or for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, exemplary, or consequential damages arising from or related to the loss of an investor’s Credentials or errors in the use of their digital wallet. Post-subscription, investors must contact the issuer or issuer’s transfer agent for replacement of lost digital securities. Issuer or their transfer agent may charge a fee for replacement of digital securities.

The Ethereum blockchain keeps all transaction history public using the public key of digital wallets. Investors may want to control access to the public key of their digital wallet except when they have to share the public key with a counterparty to execute a transaction. We advise investors to review Managing Privacy and Security on Public Blockchains before making an investment.

If the Ethereum blockchain is split or forked into two or more branches, CineBlock Films will, in its sole discretion, decide which branch of Ethereum it will use. Any investment commitment tokens issued by CineBlock Films will be valid only on the branch of Ethereum which CineBlock Films decides to use. Excluding the replacement of investment commitment tokens, CineBlock Films will not be liable for any loss, damage or injury or for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, exemplary, or consequential damages arising from or related to a split of the Ethereum blockchain. Post-subscription, investors must contact the issuer or issuer’s transfer agent to find out the branch of Ethereum which will be valid for the digital securities in the event of a split of the Ethereum blockchain.